The race for Calgary Glenmore is on! I was intrigued last week when I heard the news that Calgary Alderman Diane Colley-Urquhart confirmed that she would be seeking the PC nomination for Calgary-Glenmore. As the Alberta blogs started discussing potential candidates, I posted on several sites that Diane would be a logical choice to run in this riding, given her 20+ year association in the area.
I had lived in this area since I was a toddler, bought my 1st home in Cedarbrae and lived in the area for nearly 30 years. Even though I moved to Calgary Hays in late 2007, this riding is my "home" and I feel the need to help contribute to the Alberta PC party's continued success in Calgary Glenmore.
In an attempt to further my wife's position that she is quickly becoming a "committee widow" with my ever expanding volunteer commitments, I sent a quick email to Alderman Diane to express my congratulations on her decision and to offer any volunteer services to her campaign.
Now, never having met her, I was shocked that I received an email response within 20 minutes thanking me for my interest and offering to engage me as a volunteer. This personal touch of hers is legendary, but I got to see it 1st hand. This just reaffirms my belief that she will make and excellent MLA for Calgary Glenmore.
As an aside, there were more people at her nomination campaign meeting than the Wildrose Alliance were able to draw to one of their highly touted "Town Hall Meetings" in Calgary. This just reinforces the support that Diane has in this community.
So, those of you that live in Paliser, Pumphill, Bayview, Cedarbrae, Braeside, Oakridge, Haysboro and Southwood and want a PC membership, send me an email.
Shane, almost every time I visit your page, my browser crashes. I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this to you, but just thought I should. Your post is very sensible, but I hope that some other credible candidates come forward to make it interesting.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads up on the "crash"... I have seen this happen to me a few times recently. I will check it out.
I agree: we need better candidates -- and a different party! The Tories, conservative in name only, should be put out to pasture once and for all. We need a real conservative party, not some Nanny State, money-wasting (and grabbing) incompetent government with a premier who's asleep 23.5 hours a day and doesn't have a clue about anything and who has proved to be a bigger disaster for Alberta oilpatch and economy than Trudeau!
ReplyDeleteLol..So Werner, I guess you don't want a membership? Just curious....lol.
Nomination for the Tories opened today - ad is on page A8 of the Herald
ReplyDeleteShane how can you justify Diane Colley-Urquhart door knocking for the PC nomination while she is still employed as a city alderman?
ReplyDeleteour city alderman get paid pretty well to be alderman full time. She is using her time to further her political career instead of doing her job?
How you support someone without the decency to do the right thing and resign her seat?
Travis, since you do not have the courtesy to post my comments on your blog about this, I will be the bigger blogger here and allow you to push your comments on mine. ( I do not hide comments if they do not agree with my position, lol... perhaps there is an error with your blog?)
ReplyDeleteDiane's door knocking is not a conflict in my opinion. She LIVES and BREATHES this riding. I know that the WRAP is worried and all, as they have no chance in this riding,( or any riding for that matter, until they change their positions.) but slandering Diane's character and commitment to Calgary Glenmore is futile my friend.
I am a regular reader of your blog and we have met personally...I am not sure if you remember me? Anyway's...to each their own Travis.
I have not blocked any comments from being posted on my blog, not really my MO. When I first started the "approval settings" were on it would send me e-mails to approve and I did that, but I found the whole process very hidden and cumbersome so I turned that feature off in may. I have not recived an e-mail about a comment being posted since.
ReplyDeleteTo the crux of the problem.
I have no problem with someone door knocking or campaigning, but I do have a problem with the fact that this someone already holds a public office.
If you want to run for somthing else, then it is a courtesy to do the right thing and resign.
If Jason Kenney decided he wanted to run in the by-election, it would be just as unacceptable for him to hang on to his federal seat until he is elected somewhere else.
Paul Crete just resigned to run in a provincial by-election. Dawn Black resigned to run in the BC election, why then is Dianne Colley-Urquhart not held to the same standard? There was no guarantees for them. Urquhart has stated that she will keep her council seat until the moment she is elected.
I have a real problem with that, and I am speaking my mind on that because it is the right thing to do. I would be speaking my mind on that if shoe was on the other foot and it was someone who wanted to run for the Alliance that was on city council.
You have got to be kidding me - she's useless as are all PC candidates.
ReplyDeleteShe promised to get the ring road built and didn't do squat. Not to be trusted.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it, but I can't vote PC, first time in my life, but the party has to replace Stelmach, what a disaster.
ReplyDeleteWhy doesn't a mention of Diane's position with and some of the brilliant decisions she brought down while with the HRC appear?? I am sure they would be vote getters.
ReplyDeleteRob C
I have written several letters to Diane regarding the condo complex across from the Fish Creek LRT station and it's status over the past few years and have either not been responded to at all or pushed off to an "assistant" who did not respond either.
ReplyDeleteThis is an eye-sore to our community and cannot stay in its current state forever - DO SOMETHING. It is obvious that Diane is not going to.
She would never get my vote again.