Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ron Liepert really should hire this guy for H1N1 Communications

"Bartle-Doo" indeed! 

  With all of the Government of Alberta's miscommunication about the H1N1 Flu Vaccinations, I thought that they may want to consider hiring "Mumbles" the cowboy as their new spokesperson.  I am sure that he will do a much better job at communicating the next wave of  Flu propaganda.  I for one seem to be have an easier time understanding ol'Mumbles better than our current government representatives.

 This just may work.....

Also, remember when 10 days ago when all of the blogs were on fire over Ed Stelmach's leadership review?  That all seemed to die down once the H1N1 fiasco hit.  I am not one for conspiracy theories...but you never know!   I wonder what effect this will have on his review, if any?  Times of crisis and mismanagement call for strong leadership as it helps distinguish mistakes from incompetence and unfortunately, many people that I talk to are not sure which side our government falls on.

Something has got to give.


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  1. Hello, I am looking for information and wonder if you could help. My understanding is that each constituency can send 15 delegates to Red Deer and the Sun mentioned that there could be up to 1500 people there. Would all 1500 be with voting privelges?

  2. Hi Re-Pete..I am not an expert but if 83 Riding assoc can send 15 delegates ( which I doubt ALL ridings will have 15...) and former MLA's and current Alberta MP's can go, this # may be correct. I believe if you are on the list as a delegate ( see above) before 10/31/2009, you can vote. I would check with the PC party to be sure though.


  3. Shane, the people who have voting privileges are spelled out in Section 13 of the PCAA Constitution, available here...

  4. Thanks anon...but the link will not work.

  5. go to the PC Alberta website, click on "PC Alberta" in the top menu (at the left) and you'll see a link to the constitution

  6. My neighbors aunt visiting from the US waited in line for 6 hrs and got the H1N1 flue shot, the family across the street visiting from Ethiopia got the shots, all 4 of them. Who do you fire because of that? And that’s just the ones I know of.
