This is a continuation of a series of interviews that I will post about local candidates that are running in the 2010 Calgary municipal election. I do not endorse any of the candidates necessarily, unless stated otherwise. The intent is to allow the candidates a forum in which they can share some of their views.
This interview is with Rory Rotzoll, who will be running for Alderman in Ward 12 this term. Rory actually moved into the house next to me a few months ago, but we have not had the chance to talk politics at all. After taking a look at the responses below, I find it refreshing that someone finally answers some of these questions without sidestepping them! These are pretty bold and honest responses in my opinion.
I am a resident of Ward 12 and a potential voter. What do you think is the biggest issue facing the voters of this ward?
RR; The issues that face this Ward are as diverse and complex as the Ward itself. Primarily the people that I have talked to regard Transportation, Schools and Recreation of the utmost importance. specifically Access or lack of access to these. Transportation (public and commuter) for many working people in this Ward means a lengthy commute or a difficult and lengthy ride on a bus to the LRT. School boards haven't got enough resources to build the quantity of schools necessary for the children in this Ward which then means an early rise and long commute for many young kids in order to get them to school.
Even with the Seton Recreation facility being built our Ward is still sorely lacking in quality facilities for family recreation.
Many people feel that there is a lot of dysfunction with the current council. If elected, what would you do to rectify this?
RR: I believe that in order to get things done any group of people must learn to work together. the last 3 years specifically have seen so much posturing and backstabbing at city hall it is a wonder anything was completed. I would work with my fellow aldermen to bring forth ideas as a group. Ideas that benefit all of Calgary as well as my Ward. I would work to sell my ideas to other aldermen so that I knew I had support or could change things before bringing it up for a lengthy debate.
Tell me why you would make a better Alderman than your opponents? What candidate will be the hardest to beat in Ward 12?
RR: I am the best choice for this Ward because I don't bring baggage to the job. My experience as a Realtor and in the building supply industry gives me specific insights into our Ward's issues, uniquely qualifying me to help rectify these at City Hall. My Age also gives me a perspective that no other candidate has. I also am raising a family in this Ward, this is where my wife and I chose to raise our newborn twins, This also gives me a viewpoint that no other candidate has. There are some candidates in this ward that certainly have more money and have made a show of that but I would like to believe that I will be the hardest to beat.
In your opinion, what is the biggest mistake that Alderman McIver has made as Ward 12 Alderman?
RR: Alderman McIver has been a force to reckon with in council. This certainly put him in the public eye, however, issues in ward 12 such as the Shepard Area, Race City, the landfill, Ring road, and lack of
adequate infrastructure (primarily Public Transportation ) are issues that seem very neglected if not forgotten about altogether.
Did the decision of Ward 12 Alderman Ric McIver to run Mayor have any impact on your decision to run in this election? Would you have run against Ric McIver if he was still on the ballot?
RR: It was apparent to me that Ric McIver should run for Mayor especially after Dave Bronconnier decided not to, so that certainly created an opportunity that wasn't their before. If Mr. McIver had chosen not to
run I still would have run in this election against him.
With no incumbent in the riding, are you finding it easy to fundraise and find volunteers? Is every candidate on a level playing field?
RR: Fundraising and finding volunteers is difficult for anyone not established in the political scene.
Thank you
Rory Rotzoll
"Uncommon Sense"
This interview is with Rory Rotzoll, who will be running for Alderman in Ward 12 this term. Rory actually moved into the house next to me a few months ago, but we have not had the chance to talk politics at all. After taking a look at the responses below, I find it refreshing that someone finally answers some of these questions without sidestepping them! These are pretty bold and honest responses in my opinion.
I am a resident of Ward 12 and a potential voter. What do you think is the biggest issue facing the voters of this ward?
RR; The issues that face this Ward are as diverse and complex as the Ward itself. Primarily the people that I have talked to regard Transportation, Schools and Recreation of the utmost importance. specifically Access or lack of access to these. Transportation (public and commuter) for many working people in this Ward means a lengthy commute or a difficult and lengthy ride on a bus to the LRT. School boards haven't got enough resources to build the quantity of schools necessary for the children in this Ward which then means an early rise and long commute for many young kids in order to get them to school.
Even with the Seton Recreation facility being built our Ward is still sorely lacking in quality facilities for family recreation.
Many people feel that there is a lot of dysfunction with the current council. If elected, what would you do to rectify this?
RR: I believe that in order to get things done any group of people must learn to work together. the last 3 years specifically have seen so much posturing and backstabbing at city hall it is a wonder anything was completed. I would work with my fellow aldermen to bring forth ideas as a group. Ideas that benefit all of Calgary as well as my Ward. I would work to sell my ideas to other aldermen so that I knew I had support or could change things before bringing it up for a lengthy debate.
Tell me why you would make a better Alderman than your opponents? What candidate will be the hardest to beat in Ward 12?
RR: I am the best choice for this Ward because I don't bring baggage to the job. My experience as a Realtor and in the building supply industry gives me specific insights into our Ward's issues, uniquely qualifying me to help rectify these at City Hall. My Age also gives me a perspective that no other candidate has. I also am raising a family in this Ward, this is where my wife and I chose to raise our newborn twins, This also gives me a viewpoint that no other candidate has. There are some candidates in this ward that certainly have more money and have made a show of that but I would like to believe that I will be the hardest to beat.
In your opinion, what is the biggest mistake that Alderman McIver has made as Ward 12 Alderman?
RR: Alderman McIver has been a force to reckon with in council. This certainly put him in the public eye, however, issues in ward 12 such as the Shepard Area, Race City, the landfill, Ring road, and lack of
adequate infrastructure (primarily Public Transportation ) are issues that seem very neglected if not forgotten about altogether.
Did the decision of Ward 12 Alderman Ric McIver to run Mayor have any impact on your decision to run in this election? Would you have run against Ric McIver if he was still on the ballot?
RR: It was apparent to me that Ric McIver should run for Mayor especially after Dave Bronconnier decided not to, so that certainly created an opportunity that wasn't their before. If Mr. McIver had chosen not to
run I still would have run in this election against him.
With no incumbent in the riding, are you finding it easy to fundraise and find volunteers? Is every candidate on a level playing field?
RR: Fundraising and finding volunteers is difficult for anyone not established in the political scene.
Thank you
Rory Rotzoll
"Uncommon Sense"

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