Here is a little bit about Sean....
Sean Chu arrived to Calgary from Taiwan after 3 years of military service in 1985 speaking not a word of English, and within 7 years he was a sworn officer with the Calgary Police Service. From that point on Sean has worked with the Calgary Police Service as on Officer for over 19 years. Sean took an even more extensive role in contributing to his community by working with many boards and volunteer associations in an effort to be a bridge-builder for the many groups that make Calgary such a diverse neighborhood. The two most important areas that Sean has focused on in his community work is helping new immigrants feel welcome in their new community, while focusing on issues that affect seniors. All while raising two young daughters Jasmine & Sienna.
Here is a brief snapshot of some of his community work:
Member of the Premier's Calgary Advisory Committee.
Member of the Sien Lok Society.
Advisor to the Calgary Chinese Merchant Association.
Volunteer Board member of local PC Constituency Associations.
Homecare support for a person with a disability.
Recipient of Alberta Centennial Medal for outstanding community service.
2 terms as director of Federation of Calgary Communities.
3 terms as director of Foundations for the Future Charter Academy.
Volunteer regularly at his daughters' school.
Recipient of Calgary Police Service Distinguished Service Award.
Volunteers regularly for the Nose Creek Sports and Rec Association (Cardel Place), Sandstone MacEwan Community Association and the Schizophrenia Society of Alberta Calgary Chapter.
The Calgary North West nomination election will take place on February 4th, 2012 at the Tuscany Club ( 212 Tuscany Way N.W. )
Eligible voters shall be:
- a Canadian citizen
- 16 years of age or older
- a resident of Calgary North West, which includes Tuscany, Scenic Acres, Royal Oak, Rocky Ridge and Lynx Ridge
- a 2012 PC party membership (memberships can be purchased on February 4 at the voting station)
To date, there are only two candidates that have formally announced their intention to run for the nomination, with Sandra Jansen being the only other declared candidate. I think this is good for the democratic process as not many people are keen on default acclamations in an open nomination.
I commend Sean for putting his name forward for this nomination and believe he will be an excellent MLA as noted above. This should be an interesting race.
Sean can be reached at
Sean's Facebook page is here

You haven't been ranting much lately (it's been nearly 2 months since your last post!) so here's an idea for a blog article. I understand that Sean Chu has dropped out of the running for the Calgary-Centre CPC nomination left by the vacancy of Lee Richardson. He is said to be supporting candidate Joan Crockatt. Can you confirm this and who the other candidates are? Missing you...